ESSKA is the European event! It was a pleasure to be part of this scientific meeting in Paris. With the number of 3516 delegates, ESSKA is the place to be!
ESSKA is the European event! It was a pleasure to be part of this scientific meeting in Paris. With the number of 3516 delegates, ESSKA is the place to be!
PHONE: +33 (0) 6 83 68 43 45
AMBELIO ZA de Beauséjour, Rue de l'Aiguillage - 35520 La Mézière - France
All medical devices introduced in this website are medical devices of Class I according to 93-42-CE directive amended by 2007-47-CE directive. These devices are medical devices according to health regulation, based on CE certification. For more information on the application of the medical device, as well as indications for use, contraindications and product safety information, please consult the Instructions for use enclosed with the product. It is not intended to serve as medical advice. See your healthcare professional.
The information on this website are provided for informational and educational purposes only to support the users’ understanding of Ambelio® products. It is the
physician’s responsibility to determine and utilize the appropriate product and techniques for each of their patients, according to their own clinical judgement. Do not use this information to
diagnose or treat your problems without consulting a doctor.